Dog and cat dental care
Maintaining healthy teeth and gums
We recommend getting your dog into the routine of brushing teeth from a young age. You’ll need a soft brush and a little patience, together with a doggy toothpaste (they don’t like the mint, and it might be irritating), but starting young can make the process seem like a game.
Maintaining good teeth in your dog helps general hygiene and prevents the build-up of plaque, which can cause issues in the gum and other problems like:
- Gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums, generally identified by an increase in the pinkness of the area
- Tartar is the accumulation of plaque
- Pyorrhoea is the formation of pus, often starting between the teeth and gums. It causes decay, bad breath and might spread the infection to other parts of the body, affecting the heart, kidney or liver.
If your dog shows signs of these conditions, it’s time for a professional clean to prevent complications, carried out under anaesthetic.
Call now Register petCat dental hygiene
It might seem odd, but cleaning your cat’s teeth is helpful. Like dogs, it’s easier if you start this young. Use a specialist cat toothpaste (never use human toothpaste) and a small soft brush.
If you notice bad breath, a loose tooth or if there is soreness around the gums, call us for a check-up. A thorough clean and polish will be under anaesthetic. Although there is always a small risk with anaesthetic, tooth problems can leave your cat in pain, and you should follow your vet’s advice.